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Touch-type Read and Spell

4.2 ( 1072 ratings )

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Learn to type in an easy and fun way! TTRS is an excellent touch-typing program on its own, with the added benefit of boosting reading and spelling skills.

We offer a step-by-step touch-typing course that allows everyone to learn Keyboarding and enhance literacy skills at their own pace, via a series of bite-size modules and lessons.

Improve spelling and reading skills in English with our dyslexia-friendly approach for children and adults. Measure progress and celebrate success as you build confidence in the workplace or classroom.

The program is appropriate for children ages 6-7 through to adult learners. The TTRS iPad app is free for current course subscribers.

**Important Notice**

We recommend using a Bluetooth keyboard with the app. If you are having any technical issues, please email [email protected]

TTRS enhances spelling, decoding, and sight-reading skills thanks to a multi-sensory approach grounded in phonics and based on the work of Orton-Gillingham. This makes it an appropriate solution for individuals who struggle with: dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), visual impairments, hearing impairments and stroke recovery.